Players: Get your team together: Varsity, JV, Freshman, or even middle schoolers. There is an 18 player minimum for Skills Camp. A full camp is considered 24 players. Camp is available to all interested players and is restricted only by age and number of participants.
Focus: We’ll put together a format that fits your program’s needs. It could be basic fundamentals, a faster offense, team defense, or something else. We tailor your camp to the specific needs of your team.
EARLY REGISTRATION SPECIAL $125 per player if registered before March 10th.
Format: Get 4-6 teams together at your gym for a mix of training and competition. There are two 2 1/2 hour daily sessions, totaling 15 hours of training. During the first session each day, teams practice individually with their All American coach. During the second session each day, teams come together for competition. All teams scrimmage against each other in round robin style games. Camps run M-W or Th-Sat.